Past Perfect Continuous - exercises

1. Wstaw właściwą formę czasownika.


  1. The boy was delighted with his new bike. He ...................(dream) about it for a long time.
  2. Before he told her the news, he ............(try) to contact her for some time.
  3. The car worked, but the mechanic...............(repair) it for a few hours.
  4. The door was still wet. My father .................(paint) them.
  5. George was tired. He.........(work) in the garden very hard.
  6. When the factory changed its owner, I .......................(work) there for 6 months.
  7. When the doctor told him he was seriously ill, he...............(smoke) cigarettes for a long time.
  8. He.........(think)  about finding a new job for about a year before he finally gave up his old job.
  9. My child ............(eat) too much chocolate, that is why he was so ill.
  10. They.................(build) the house for many years before they took a loan.
2. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedz.


1. ............................ there for more than two hours when she finally arrived?
a. had you been waiting          b.had been waiting      c. you had been waiting


2. They ..................... for over an hour before they entered
     a. had been talking          b. had talking     c. had talked


3. .................... English very long before I moved to London.
     a.had been not studying             b. had not been studying               c. hadn't studying


4. Jason ................ because he ......................
     a. was tired, working         b. was tired, had been working             c. was tired, had worked


5. Betty........... the final test because she ........................ hard.
                a. had been failing, didn't study     b. failed, had not been studying           c. failed, studied


6.      Kate.................. there for a few hours  when we arrived.
   a. only had been waiting                     b. had  been only waiting                c.  had only been waiting


7.      James............. at this school  for more than a year before he .............. the job.
  a. had been teaching, changed      b. had teaching , had changing      c. were teaching, changed


8.      .....................for days so when they finally left?
  a.had it been rain               b. had the rain been raining               c. had it been raining


9.      We ...............................for ten minutes when the light went off. 
   a.had been only watching             b. had only been watching           c. only had been watching


10.  He said he ................for some time
  a. had been practicing                     b. had been practice                c. was practicing

Past Perfect Continuous