Past Perfect - exercises

1. Wstaw właściwą formę czasownika Past Perfect


  1. As a child she................(eat) only meat. When she became a teenager she ate fish and some vegetables.
  2. In the past people...........(live) in caves. They started building houses when they discovered some tools.
  3. Where..............(they/spend) their holidays in 1990? Was it Spain just like last year?
  4. .................(he/borrow) money from you two years ago, because last  year I gave him some too?
  5. Boris...........(not/study) when he was at school. He rounded it out when he was thirty.



2. Wstaw właściwą formę czasownika Past Perfect lub Simple Past.


  1. Before I...................(go) to the cinema, I.............(buy) tickets.
  2. Before they..............(come back) home, they................ (do) shopping.
  3. My tenant.................(not/ask) me for permission before he............ (buy) a dog.
  4. People ..............(buy) these houses and then ...............(move in).
  5. All my students...............(study) hard before the  Matura exam.

3. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedz.


1. Ken live Poland before he...............his exams

a. had decide/passed         b. had decided/pass       c. had decided/passed


2. When...........they their house?

     a. they had sold         b. had they sell     c. had they sold


3. After the customers..............all products and .........the shop.

     a. bought/had left           b. had bought/left               c. bought/left


4. After the teacher..........tests, he mistakes.

     a. had checked/explained        b. had checked/had explained              c. checked/explain


5. ............ the police when she ..............the crime?

                a. she had called/had discovered    b. had she called/discovered            c. did she call/ had discovered


6. This model.................hard before she became famous.

   a. worked                     b. had worked               c. did worked


7. At first my company, then she ..............a journalist.

  a. was work/was                 b.worked/had been                        c. had worked/was


8. best friend in the past?

  a. had been               b. had was              c. had be


9. Before I ....................TV a

   a.was bought/saved                          b. had bought/saved           c. bought/had saved


10. book before you.............the room?

  a. you had put/cleaned               b. had you put/had cleaned         c. had you put/cleaned