Present Simple - strona bierna

1.Wstaw czasownik w odpowiedniej formie w stronie biernej.


  1. All the fish form my aquarium.............(regularly/eat) by my cat.
  2. My room .........(always/clean) by the cleaner. I do not have to do it.
  3. Every year he .........(invite) to my birthday, but he never comes.
  4. Those flowers .........(not /water) very often, they are dying.
  5. This competition ......(hold) every year.
  6. My homework ......(always/check) when I give it to my teacher.
  7. Nowadays houses........(build) by a big company.
  8. Sometimes all documents ......(prepare)in advanced, sometimes I do it.
  9. This sweater .......(make) of  wool.
  10. ..............(this report/finish)? I need it badly!


2. Wstaw czasownik w odpowiedniej formie w stronie czynnej lub biernej


  1. My daughter ...........(not/like) sweets nevertheless he.........(give) some by her father every day.
  2. Cats .......(be) very nice animals. Very often they.....(treat) like family members.
  3. Jeff ......(not/be) a good writer. All his book ..........(write) rather badly.
  4. I ..........(expect) to be punctual at work because I ........(open) this shop every day
  5. My parents usually ............(travel) by car. This time it is impossible because their car ........(damage).
  6. My little boy usually  .........(sleep) all night long. He ..........(get up) at 7 a.m.
  7. Bob..............(suppose) to get married. His girlfriend............(be) pregnant.
  8. We .........(not/have) much space in our flat nevertheless we ......(expect) to invite many guests.
  9. My mother .................(enjoy)eating chocolate. Every day one bar..............devour).
  10. People in my town ...............(cycle) very often so that is why every year a new cycle line.................(built) by the mayor.